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Friday, 13 December 2019

Steve Jobs Biography

Steve Jobs Biography


FULL NAME - Steven Paul Jobs 

Founded Apple Computers on 1 APRIL ,1976

Why Steve Jobs is an Inspiration ?

  • Steve Jobs is known for his contribution in digital revolution, and massive innovation. 
  • He was a design perfectionist. 
  • He had a net worth of 8 billion dollars in 2010.
  • He's one of the most creative and daring CEO of all time.
  • His products are adored by millions of people across the world. 
  • A company that he started in the garage is worth more that 742 billion dollars today. 
  • In the time period of over 30 years, nobody had such a great share in innovation of technology, music, movies and mobile phones as Steve Jobs had. 

Today, we will talk about the fascinating journey of one of the most loved entrepreneurs of all time Steve Jobs and this is his biography.

Childhood and schooling

Steve Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Fransisco, California. Steve Jobs's early life was a struggle of identity. He was an adopted child raised by caring parents.He always considered his adopted parents as his real parents.

One of the early visions of his biological parents was academic success for Steve Jobs. But in his childhood, Jobs was far away from being an academic.

Despite being immensely intelligent, he wasn't interested in schooling. Apart from a few selected subjects. The teenage Steve, who was raised in Mountain View, in the 1970s was much more interested in computers, creating innovative business ideas and messing around with his close friend Steve Wozniak.

Jobs was always a fast learner and innovative thinker. He didn't liked the education system from his childhood except some subjects. His nature was a kind of prankster type from the childhood.

Steve's approach to education has been explained very publicly. He only felt that he could really learnt after he had dropped out of college. 

Steve jobs schooling and college Life

Jobs joined Reed College in Portland after his schooling. But he dropped out of that college just after 6 months and joined creative type of classes in school for the next 18 months. He  also told once that his calligraphy course developed his love for typography.

Steve Jobs Biography

Journey in Apple (first time) 

You will come to know why we used the word "first time" here after reading the full article.

In 1976, when Jobs was just 21 years old, he and his partner, Steve Wozniak started Apple Computer. Both the Entrepreneurs started their business in the family garage of Steve jobs. They arranged ventures by selling Volkswagen bus of Jobs and scientific calculator of Wozniak. They both worked so as to make the machine smaller,cheaper,intuitive and accessible to everyone.

Wozniak formed a series of user friendly personal computers. When Jobs worked for company's marketing, Apple introduced each "Apple I" computer in market for $666 each. Initial success of "the Apple I" computer, pushed Wozniak and Jobs to create bigger and better computers.

And by the late 1970s, they have created what will become Apple's first big success, "the Apple II". The computer was a hit in their native California, and Jobs soon became a millionaire from the computers' heavy sales throughout the state and country.

However, things turned sour for Jobs, when he thought to expand Apple further by hiring former Pepsi's Chief Executive, John Sculley to lead Apple in a new direction. The experienced Chief Executive had no patience for Jobs' controversial and demanding management style. And after 2 years, they had no time for each other.

In a boardroom meeting, Steve Jobs was fired from the company that he founded. His dismissal at Apple, ignited a fire in Jobs. One that burnt for the remainder of his career. 

Life after getting fired from Apple

Jobs Bought Pixar. Just a year ( in 1986 ) later, he purchased a struggling animation studio (Pixar) from Star Wars' mastermind, George Lucas for $5 million. It bled money for over 10 years that was the personal money of Jobs. Jobs spent his money until a fantastic 1997 hit, which was the movie, "Toy Story". 

Steve Jobs Biography

"NeXT 's failure and joining back in Apple

Likewise, he created another company, and called it "NeXT" with specialised high-end workstations for the business community. However, it was a commercial failure and NeXT bled money until it was purchased by Apple a decade later, bringing Steve Jobs back to the company that he built.

Over the next few years, Jobs went from a small position at Apple to the company's interim CEO and eventually taking on the position full-time.
Steve Jobs' second period at Apple, produced many of the company's more successful devices, from the iPad, to the iMac that Jobs led Apple went ahead of its previous milestone and grew into the biggest company in the technology sector. Although it took a heavy blow to set Jobs on the right path. His experiences reflect a true genius and it's regarded as the biggest second act in business history.

Battle he fought with cancer and death

After being diagnosed of a rare form of pancreatic cancer , jobs denied to have a surgery to remove the tumor and delayed that surgery for 9 months. He preferred to go with alternative medicines and some kind of special diet.

His decision of delaying the surging also added to his situation making it worse in future.

However, early in 2009 reports started circulating about Jobs' weight loss. Some predicting his health issues have returned. Jobs had responded to these concerns by stating that he was dealing with hormone imbalance.On September 9, 2009, Jobs delivered a keynote address at an invite only Apple Event.

Later, on October 1st, 2011, Apple sadly announced that its co-founder had passed away after battling pancreatic cancer for nearly a decade. Steve Jobs died in Palo Alto when he was just 56 years old. 
Steve Jobs said : "I was lucky. I have found what I love to do early in life when I was 20. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. And don't settle."

Steve Jobs Biography
Despite the cut throat competition from rival tech companies like Google and Microsoft, Steve Jobs make sure that none of those bother the success path for Apple and kept working hard till the last breath to make sure Apple remains as the top tech company in the world. He is a true inspiration for every boarding entrepreneurs and will remain as the hero of the tech industry.

Some facts about his personal life

  1. In 1974,he worked as video game designer with Atari , buy left the job after few months.
  2. He also visited India in search of enlightenment. It was the journey to India which became base of decision of quitting job at Atari.
  3. He met his business partner and co-founder of Apple Computers, Steve Wozniak at Homestead High School.At that time Woznaik was attenting the University of California, Berkeley.
  4. His last words before death were "OH WOW, OH WOW, OH WOW"

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