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Thursday, 12 December 2019

Bill Gates Biography

Bill Gates Biography

Bill Gates Biography

Full Name - William Henry Gates III.

Founded Microsoft on April 4, 1975 alongwith Paul Allen.

Founded Bill and Melinda Gates foundation in 1994.

We don't think this world famous Entrepreneur needs any introduction. For more detailed information about his life and business,lets move to the blog.

Basic Facts about Bill gate's life

Bill Gates is one of the most influential and richest people on the planet. He is the Principal Founder of the Microsoft.

Recent estimates of his wealth put it as 10,680 crores USD as up to December 2019, this is the equivalent of the combined GDP of several African economies.

Since few recent years, he has retired from working full-time at Microsoft. Now he is concentrated on working with his Charitable Foundation the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Childhood life

William Henry Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle Washington. 

His father William Gates senior was a senior lawyer and his mother Mary served as an executive for a major bank.The family was at good financial condition at that time but his family encouraged him to work hard and take nothing for granted so as to make him face the periods of depression in life.

Schooling life of Gates

Gates joined Private Likeside School when he was 13.  Gates had his first introduction to computers here. He taught himself to program in basic. Making a simple tic-tac-toe game.

He really enjoyed working with computers and arranged with a company Computer Center Corporation "CCC" to spend time on their computers, learning source code such as "Fortran" machine code and "Lisp".

Friendship with Paul Allen and admission in Harvard

Bill Gates met Paul Allen in his senior school (Lakeside school). They became good friends because their passion for computers matched.

Although their personal nature didn't matched because both of their natures were poles apart. One was shy (Allen) and the other one was kind of aggressive (Gates).

Both of them liked to spent their free time on computers. But one day a fight between both happened and after that Gates was banned from the computer lab.

After sometime they were allowed back to the lab because they offered solution for some software bug.

In 1970 they both started a company together named as "Traf-o-Data", a software which was used to monitor traffic patterns in Seattle.

At this time Gates and Allen wanted to start a company but Gate's parents disagreed. They wanted their son to study law. The net worth of "Traf-o-Data" was around $20000.

Afterward they both went to college. Allen went to Washington State University and Gates went to the Harvard in 1973, where he studied mathematics and computer science however Gates was more interested in pursuing his own coding. He dropped out from Harvard as soon as he saw an opportunity of starting his own company. 

Journey of Microsoft

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates in the year 1976. He formed a contract with MIT (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry systems) of making basic operating systems for their micro computers.

During the starting days of the Microsoft, Bill Gates would review every single line of code. He was also involved in various other works in the company like packaging and sending off the orders.

The big break for Microsoft came in 1981, when IBM approached them for a new basic operating system for its new computers. IBM was the leading PC manufacturer at the time of around 1980.

However at that time, there were many clones of IBM's computers present in the market. PCs produced by other companies competed well with IBM's.

Microsoft worked hard at that time so as to sell its operating system to these other companies. Microsoft was able to reach at the top most position of software manufacturer just as the personal computer market started to boom.

Many other companies tried to displace Microsoft as the dominant provider of computer operating software programs but they all failed to do so.

Bill Gates Biography

In 1990 first version of Windows was launched by microsoft, this was a breakthrough in operating software as it replaced text interfaces with graphical interfaces. That was a major hit for the company and it captured all the operating system's market.

In 1995, when Windows 95 was released, it created new benchmarks of standard and features of operating system in the market. This version of windows played the role of backbone for the company Microsoft for all the releases in the future, from Windows 2000 to the Windows XP.

Bill Gates has always been keen to diversify the business of Microsoft, throughout his time in office. As we all know ,Microsoft's Internet Explorer became the dominant web browser. The main reason behind this was that it came pre-installed on most new computers.

Microsoft failed misreably in the area of search engines. MSN Live search has struggled even to gain more than 5% of market share.Google totally destroyed other search engines with it's best service.

Microsoft also had to face many antitrust cases also. In 1998, US v Microsoft case started. Microsoft was about to broke into three small firms. However on appeal, Microsoft continued survive as a single firm.

From 1980s to 1990s microsoft, ruled the market as dominant computer's operating system seller. But now they are seen as aging and declining company in front of more dynamic firms like Google and Apple.

Microsoft and Apple relations 

Microsoft and Apple made a deal in 1981. The deal was that Microsoft will have to develop Graphic Based Interface for Apple's Macintosh Computers. It was a matter of excitement for customers of both the companies because before that people has never used any graphic based software. At that time MS-DOS system was in use and it was based on keyboard and text commands.

Gates announced about graphic based interface system even before the company started working for it. He said Microsoft is working on a system that will be based on graphics and a mouse will be used to give mostly commands to the system.

Almost 30% of the total computer market was using the MS-DOS system at that time.

When Microsoft launched WINDOWS , it looked similar to the Macintosh system used in Apple Computers.

Apple threatened Microsoft of filing a case against it,but they didn't bothered about it. In the end, both companies visited the court in this regard. The verdict was that , both the company's softwares may have similarities but the individual functions were different.

Bill Gates Biography

Bill Gates personal life 

Bill Gates is married to Melinda. They got married in 1992. They have three children Jennifer born in 1996, Rory born in 1999 and Phoebe born in 2002.

Bill Gates formed a foundation with his wife, "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation". Bill Gates says that this inspiration came from David Rockefeller. Bill gates also though to focus on global issue ignored by government just like David Rockefeller.

He also worked for improving the standards of public school education of the U.S. He has appeared with Oprah Winfrey to promote this objective in respect to charitable philanthropic activities.

Warren Buffet also donated 17 billion to Gate's foundation.

From 2008, Gates has worked only for his philanthropic interests for the full time. It is estimated that Gates and his wife Melinda have given away 28 billion dollars via their Charitable Foundation including 8 billion dollars to improve global health.

Gates thinking is different from normal person and he states that he has no use for money at all. He says he will only leave a small percentage of his wealth to his children. Gate says he has good sources of money and clothes and according to him money has no use above that. According to him, money's entire utility is in building an organization and getting the resources out to the poorest in the world.

In today's time, his main area of interest is philanthropy. He has been working to improve health facilities and to reduce diseases such as Polio which affect young children. He also has focus on environmental issues.He gave 1 billion dollars to clean energy project in 2015.

So that was our article related to the Biography of the Bill Gates. Please don't forget to tell us in the comment section below if you liked our article aboutt Bill Gates Biography and if you got inspired by reading his story.

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